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UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

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    UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

    TLDR: There is a unadvertized limit enforced of three Vudu links to each UltraViolet collection.

    So after signing up for UltraViolet and Vudu I made sub-accounts for my 4 additional family members. They began to sign up for vudu accounts to start converting discs and buying movies to stream and download. Much to my surprise, after three of the accounts linked to Vudu, the fourth would not link. At first I thought it was a bug, so for a week I tried everything I could think of to get the accounts to link. I even created new UV accounts and merged them back into the main account, etc.

    Turns out it wasn't a bug, they are purposely limiting vudu links to 3 per master account. Now I realize there is a 3 simultaneous stream policy. That is not what I'm talking about, I'm saying only three of your accounts total even link to vudu and buy movies.

    I'm not sure what their purpose is here. They offer six seperate family accounts in UV, but only 3 of them are usable with outside services, otherwise members have to share, access each other's credit cards etc. What;s the point? The worse part of this is I spent money to buy and convert a few movies before I found out that this service is useless for a 5 member family. They do not list this limitation anywhere that I've seen, though I admit I haven't scrutinized the tos or aup, only the FAQs.

    Has anyone else hit this limit? Has anyone found a solution?

    Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

    I think this is going to be a good discussion because I had 4 of my 5 sub accounts filled and in the process of trying to set up accounts and them not working I've had to remove that 5th available sub account spot a few times. Well I just tried a few days ago to add in another member to my sub account in that 5th spot and it told me that I have used the max number off accounts I could use?
    I was like that's weird, for sub accounts?


      Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

      I know my situation is a little different than the original post, but based on the original post I'm concerned as well cause I've had my 4 family sub accounts all linked to 4 different vudu account set up for a while and i hope they don't reto activate this cause which one of my 4 family members is going to be out?


        Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

        I dont know about this. I have a group of 5 and we're all tied to individual Vudu accounts and can stream fine. 3 of the 5 have more than one device activated as well.

        Is there any documentation somewhere stating this or are you having problems trying to link your UV account? There has been a new policy regarding the amount of times you can link and unlink within a timeframe and i believe when you remove a user from your group that spot is not instantly available for a certain time period.

        If you're having linking problems try this


          Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

          Well maybe it is a bug, I don't know. I had never unlinked a Vudu account prior to the error message I got on the fourth account. "The limit for number of connections to this type of Node has already been reached".

          I then tried contacting support for UV and Vudu, which not much was forthcoming. I merged a few accounts in, but the account's link was invalidated and had to be relinked. Finally I merged the opposite way, which invalidated all my current links, and that was when I realized I could relink only up to 3 accounts. It's also notable that I signed up for my accounts just before Christmas, so the time frame is different from most of you. So my question for you guys with 4 or 5 links is: can you link one more account?


            Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

            Are any the accounts a Basic Member in UVVU? Unless this has been fixed only a Standard Member account works.


              Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

              On my UV I have two full and three standard. I can link any three of them at once. After that I get the too many nodes error.

              It wouldn't be hard to verify if there is a hard limit now. Someone just has to sign up for a few shim accounts and see if they link. It doesn't do any good for me to do it since I've already observed the behavior. Need independent verification.


                Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

                Originally posted by jonline View Post
                Well maybe it is a bug, I don't know. I had never unlinked a Vudu account prior to the error message I got on the fourth account. "The limit for number of connections to this type of Node has already been reached".
                To fix this error:

                1 Log into the UV sub user account you want to link. Do not close your browser.

                2 log into Vudu and go to the link UV page

                3 When you click on "Already have UV" you shouldn't see the login page just a check box that says Link UV and a button to continue or whatever.

                4 UNCHECK the link UV back and click continue.

                5 Congrats I know it sounds counter-intuitive... but it works


                  Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

                  You have got to be kidding me! That worked perfectly on the first try.

                  I have so many questions about this.

                  Why would UNCHECKING the "Link My Account" checkbox make the account link?
                  Why do the first three vudu accounts go through with "Link My Account" checked?
                  Why aren't Vudu and UltraViolet both intimately familiar with such an obvious bug and have a canned response ready, instead of flailing around helplessly?

                  We may never know. Whatever, thanks for the tip NWRushing - you're awesome.


                    Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

                    Glad it worked and yes so many questions. Just like what the hell is a Basic Member account for if it does not allow that member to link to the Master Library?


                      Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

                      Originally posted by jonline View Post
                      You have got to be kidding me! That worked perfectly on the first try.

                      I have so many questions about this.

                      Why would UNCHECKING the "Link My Account" checkbox make the account link?
                      Why do the first three vudu accounts go through with "Link My Account" checked?
                      Why aren't Vudu and UltraViolet both intimately familiar with such an obvious bug and have a canned response ready, instead of flailing around helplessly?

                      We may never know. Whatever, thanks for the tip NWRushing - you're awesome.
                      Wow you just totally ignored the link i posted on here a day ago that outlined the exact thing to do. But anyway glad you got it sorted out. Thanks NWRushing for eloquently explaining that.


                        Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

                        I didn't ignore it. I read it but it wasn't clear to me how the process was any different than what I had done 50 times. The important bit was buried in five paragraphs. Sorry, thanks for trying to help.


                          Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

                          im trying to link two vudus to one ultraviolet and i have to keep relinking


                            Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

                            Originally posted by kopitarrulez View Post
                            im trying to link two vudus to one ultraviolet and i have to keep relinking
                            You can't link 1 main UV account to 2 different Vudu accounts.
                            But you can create a sub user account in that main UV account and use that sub user account to link to one of the 2 Vudu accounts.


                              Re: UltraViolet Vudu Account Limit - 3

                              Originally posted by NWRushing View Post
                              To fix this error:

                              1 Log into the UV sub user account you want to link. Do not close your browser.

                              2 log into Vudu and go to the link UV page

                              3 When you click on "Already have UV" you shouldn't see the login page just a check box that says Link UV and a button to continue or whatever.

                              4 UNCHECK the link UV back and click continue.

                              5 Congrats I know it sounds counter-intuitive... but it works
                              I've been running into something with my accounts since I merged with another account.

                              And I think it's been discussed some what also Here on the forum about the whole 3 Vudu accounts versus 5 being able to be linked all at the same time. I think that this is true. There must be that 3 limit of having Vudu "remember you" when you link your UV account to your Vudu. I have had to look into this again because I've been finding my UV link becoming un-linked by its self after a little while.

                              There were 3 of the sub accounts already "remembered" and when I went to add me and another member of the family went to do the same we both got the Node Limit reached message.

                              Has any one found a work around this ?

