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Apple TV - Feedback and technical support

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    Hopefully, soon...


      Originally posted by ntews View Post

      Agreed. Love that the TV series are now easy and functional rather than having separate seasons. Now Vudu needs to fix:[LIST=1][*]Auto play on the next episode
      AutoPlay Next feature now available with the VUDU app for tvOS 1.6 update.


        Anyone having issues with the Apple TV app not showing “My TV”?
        When I select My Vudu it only shows “My Lists”, “My Movies” and “My Wishlist”. The TV section is missing.

        I tried logging out and back in but it’s the same, I also checked and I have the latest version of the app.

        I wish they’d update the app to match the UI of the other devices instead of this old UI.


          Any planned updates to Apple TV Vudu App?

          It has been a long time between updates. Still lacks features compared to other platforms even without the ability to buy videos.


            I am experiencing two issues on Apple TV with tvOS 16 and later

            First is problems navigating usercollections / custom lists on Apple TV (tvOS 16 and later).
            1. Create a custom list and add a large number of movies to it
            2. Navigate into that list on Apple TV
            3. Highlight a random movie and press Ok on your remote to view the details of that movie
            4. Press Back on your remote
            5. The movie you just saw the details for is no longer highlighted.
            The cursor should not move to a different movie but it does. Navigating custom lists is a huge pain because of this and the problem has been ongoing for quite some time. The problem does not occur when browsing My TV, My Movies, or My Wishlist.

            Second is problems viewing details of a movie:
            1. Go into the details of any movie and notice where the cursor is
            2. Notice that the Watch button is often not highlighted. The cursor is instead often highlighting the actors and not the Watch button
            3. Repeat the process with several more movies and notice that the cursor does not default to the Watch button 100% of the time

            Thank you


              Apple TV with tvOS 16.4.1
              Vudu app version 2.0.3

              I must attempt to play media twice before it actually plays successfully. It will sit on a black screen at 00:00 with the progress bar and movie title displayed but the movie does not progress.

              Happened with an in-progress TV episode and a new never before seen movie today and I've noticed similar behavior in the past several days as well.


                Originally posted by TheJT View Post
                Apple TV with tvOS 16.4.1
                Vudu app version 2.0.3

                I must attempt to play media twice before it actually plays successfully. It will sit on a black screen at 00:00 with the progress bar and movie title displayed but the movie does not progress.

                Happened with an in-progress TV episode and a new never before seen movie today and I've noticed similar behavior in the past several days as well.
                This is still a problem and it's even worse now.

                Now, after I exit the black screen with the 00:00 bar, the episode starts over at the beginning. Before I could just try again and it would resume. Now I try again and the episode restarts from the beginning instead of resuming.


                  The two items I mentioned in post #213 are both fixed now. The lists problem was fixed quickly and the new version of the app fixed the second item. Thank you.

                  Resuming TV shows (and maybe movies?) still takes several tries to start correctly.

                  If it gives you some hints: Sometimes when I try to resume a show I get a screen with the exact frame of what I am resuming but the spinner spins forever and the show never starts or the process doesn't error out and give up. Overlaid on the frame I should resume on the progress bar and title are displayed and the time shows 00:00. The spinner spins forever until I use back/exit.

                  I tend to power off my home theater system without pausing the stream and when I return to Vudu after a few hours it shows a "Content Right" error (as expected).


                    Content sometimes does not auto play. It "starts paused" and you must press Play to start playing the content. If you do not press Play it will spin on a black screen with the timer at 00:00 forever.

                    Apple TV (tvOS 17.2 and Vudu app 2.0.4)


                      Anyone having an issue with 4K video stuttering? The past couple (4K) movies I’ve watched have all had this. On every other app, I have no trouble with 4K video… so I’m not sure what happened!


                        Navigation jumps between episode description column and Watch button column while browsing episodes for a season when the user moves up and down the list.

                        Steps to reproduce: Go into any TV series and any season of that series. Move your cursor to the Watch (or Watch Again) button for episode #1 of the season. Navigate down by pressing the down button on your remote serveral times. Move up and down the list using the up and down buttons on your remote. Notice that the cursor moves over to the episode description column even though you didn't press the left button on your remote. Seems like a bug.

                        Moving up or down the episode description and Watch columns should only move between columns when the user presses the right or left button on the remote. It should not move on it's own.

                        This has been happening for quite some time, perhaps since the Fandango rebrand.

                        tvOS 18.0 (22J357)
                        Fandango app version 2.2 (1211731, 0499a234f)
                        Apple TV model A2169 (64GB)


                          Love the feature that temporarly turns on subtitles when you press the "back 10 seconds" button, great idea.

