I have found the link "Coming soon" however I have read on these forums of a 3D collection tier that I can't find, is this a list of just 3D movies soon to be released? Also the coming soon is great but what about the list of coming soon for disc to digital movies or do I just have to come back time to time and go over my list searching? I ask because in the coming soon it shows movies I have but I quickly found out that even if a movie is available to buy it's not available in the disc to digital program.

Second, I'm curious of my options here. I'm not sure if I have false hope one day all movies will be disk to digital or are some movies just never going to make it to this program? Is there a list of movies I should just give up hope on for disk to digital? I guess what also makes me think that some movies will not make disk to digital is that you can buy "OWN" some movies but can't disk to digital them. Like someone said no and it will never happen