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New to Vudu. Looking to better understand the 24-hour rental limitation.

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    New to Vudu. Looking to better understand the 24-hour rental limitation.

    Greetings Vudu community.

    I signed up today primarily using my Oppo-95 Blu Ray player with my 65" Plasma Samsung whoot.

    I am seriously confused at the reasoning behind the 24 hour rental limitation to watch a film and hoping to get some insight. Certainly not trying to start an argument by any stretch of the imagination.

    I just don't understand. If one rents a film, they are basically forced to finish it; practically speaking. If I sit down after dinner to watch a movie and something comes up; or I'm just too tired to finish it, I may not be able to continue watching again until after dinner the next night; or night after for that matter. Under the 24 hour rule here at Vudu I'd have to rent all over again.

    How is this reasonable and why does this rule even exist?

    Thank you.


    Re: New to Vudu. Looking to better understand the 24-hour rental limitation.

    It's completely up to whoever owns the rental license (which may or may not be the studio, but it's definitely not Vudu). Vudu has some movies that have a 48-hour rental period. A lot of us have said that we would rent a lot more movies if we knew we had a week to watch them, even if we were only allowed to play it through once and not rewind it, but apparently the license holders aren't comfortable with more flexible rentals for some reason.


      Re: New to Vudu. Looking to better understand the 24-hour rental limitation.

      Originally posted by MaxH View Post
      It's completely up to whoever owns the rental license (which may or may not be the studio, but it's definitely not Vudu). Vudu has some movies that have a 48-hour rental period. A lot of us have said that we would rent a lot more movies if we knew we had a week to watch them, even if we were only allowed to play it through once and not rewind it, but apparently the license holders aren't comfortable with more flexible rentals for some reason.
      Thank you for explaining. I really appreciate it.

      This makes sense, as I couldn't understand why any semi-awake human at Vudu would limit us like this.

      It's really a shame because it's seriously interfering with the business model and potential of this service. Unless one is retired or on vacation, life is busy. Things happen. So silly. It's not even a physical rental or a cheap one either, Actually, a Vudu rental is twice as much than my local video store that gives me two days for new releases and 7 on older. So this comes down to paying a lot for a lot less time for convenience which may or may not even be needed.

      The studio is not being remotely reasonable and every one loses.


        Re: New to Vudu. Looking to better understand the 24-hour rental limitation.

        If it's a licensing issue why is it not different for every studio? Also, ATT Uverse on-demand rents the same new arrivals in HD for $6.00 for 48hrs! Please explain in more detail how Uverse is able to do this. My rentals from VUDU would increase exponentially if the 48HR rule was in effect. As it is now it's very limiting because of the 24 hr time constraint. Once again, how is this not a VUDU problem when Uverse is doing it?


          Re: New to Vudu. Looking to better understand the 24-hour rental limitation.

          Originally posted by nickeller View Post
          If it's a licensing issue why is it not different for every studio? Also, ATT Uverse on-demand rents the same new arrivals in HD for $6.00 for 48hrs! Please explain in more detail how Uverse is able to do this. My rentals from VUDU would increase exponentially if the 48HR rule was in effect. As it is now it's very limiting because of the 24 hr time constraint. Once again, how is this not a VUDU problem when Uverse is doing it?
          Some movies on Vudu do have a 48 hour rental period. Again, it all depends on the studio.


            Re: New to Vudu. Looking to better understand the 24-hour rental limitation.

            Originally posted by Terrapin View Post
            Greetings Vudu community.

            I signed up today primarily using my Oppo-95 Blu Ray player with my 65" Plasma Samsung whoot.

            I am seriously confused at the reasoning behind the 24 hour rental limitation to watch a film and hoping to get some insight. Certainly not trying to start an argument by any stretch of the imagination.

            I just don't understand. If one rents a film, they are basically forced to finish it; practically speaking. If I sit down after dinner to watch a movie and something comes up; or I'm just too tired to finish it, I may not be able to continue watching again until after dinner the next night; or night after for that matter. Under the 24 hour rule here at Vudu I'd have to rent all over again.

            How is this reasonable and why does this rule even exist?

            Thank you.


            It's no different then when I was renting physical media in years past. You paid for a specific time window. If you brought it late, even an hour you paid for an extra day, or at least a penalty.

            Same goes for rental cars, rental tools, etc.

            Just because it's virtual goods instead of physical goods doesn't make it tangible, nor should the owner give up any profits. It's a structure that was set up a long time ago and has just stuck around.


              Re: New to Vudu. Looking to better understand the 24-hour rental limitation.

              Originally posted by nickeller View Post
              If it's a licensing issue why is it not different for every studio? Also, ATT Uverse on-demand rents the same new arrivals in HD for $6.00 for 48hrs! Please explain in more detail how Uverse is able to do this. My rentals from VUDU would increase exponentially if the 48HR rule was in effect. As it is now it's very limiting because of the 24 hr time constraint. Once again, how is this not a VUDU problem when Uverse is doing it?
              I would hazzard a highly uneducated guess that Uverse doesn't have a rental catalog of:

              Extensive Disney titles
              3D titles
              7.1 Surround titles

              I seriously doubt that anyone other than someone inside Uverse or the studios knows exactly the specifics. All contracts with all products and all companies are pretty much negotiated, especially at a higher / larger company level. Yes, there are always stock, entry level, and exception contracts.

              Point being that no one company offers everything to all people. There is always something that someone else offers. Grass is always greener.

              UVerse isn't always 2-days either. There's fine print. MOST movies may be 2-days but it's on case by case basis. You can pull up a list and I'm scrolling through it and I'm seeing a lot of 2's but quite a few 1's but alos a few 3's as well oddly enough.

