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Lionsgate UHD titles

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    Lionsgate UHD titles

    Since New Lionsgate UHD titles are no longer redeeming in Flixster.
    Example: Deepwater Horizon UHD, Hacksaw Ridge UHD.

    Will VUDU have a UHD redemption for those movies and any future ones like Patriot's Day UHD?

    Also: Just called Lionsgate and they said just redeem in VUDU and VUDU will automatically insert the UHD version once they have proper licensing. (I think rep was lying).

    Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

    +1 - we need a place to redeem a UHD code to get a UHD UV license. I would prefer that be VUDU.

    If VUDU can sell me or show me a UHD film, I'd love for them to be able to sell or redeem me a UHD license.


      Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

      Originally posted by Jeshu View Post
      Since New Lionsgate UHD titles are no longer redeeming in Flixster.
      Example: Deepwater Horizon UHD, Hacksaw Ridge UHD.

      Will VUDU have a UHD redemption for those movies and any future ones like Patriot's Day UHD?

      Also: Just called Lionsgate and they said just redeem in VUDU and VUDU will automatically insert the UHD version once they have proper licensing. (I think rep was lying).
      I agree with you about the Rep and I've been told the same thing. I'm saving the UHD codes that aren't available on Flixster for now but I have to remember not to let them expire.

      45 UHD
      770 HDX
      2 SD


        Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

        I agree with the original post. We need to have support to redeem these codes in the proper manner. If Flixster is saying they no longer will handle Lionsgate and Lionsgate says VUDU is doing UHD, we need to have assurance these will work correctly. As someone who jumped to 4K already, I want to be able to get the proper digital UHD versions for the movies I buy.


          Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

          I completely agree. I bought a 4K TV for the express purposes of watching movies on VUDU and Lionsgate is easily one of my favorite studios. I can't get enough of those Hunger Games!

          I need the ability to watch and redeem UHD movies on VUDU so I can take advantage of the higher resolution and DOLBY VISION.

          Hopefully this gets to the people who can do something about it.


            Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

            I agree with the above, this reminds me of when blu-rays first came out and they only offered SD copies of the films. If you purchase a 4K UHD disc with a digital copy it should be the same resolution in my opinion. As a consumer, it seems a little bit like a bait and switch tactic.


              Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

              I agree, we need to be able to Redeem UHD Lionsgate codes and/or be able to purchase them on Vudu in UHD.


                Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

                Yes, please initiate UHD redeeming support for Lionsgate. Vudu has been my preference since I started using Ultraviolet years ago. Since getting a 4K TV a few months ago I am trying to purchase UHD discs where I can now and don't want to have to downgrade if I decide to stream them because I can't redeem anywhere.


                  Re: Lionsgate UHD titles


                  Yes we certainly need Vudu to let us redeem UHD codes! Please provide this option as soon as possible. We do not want to hold on to the codes to redeem in the future and just wait for it to go UHD! They should already have been UHD!


                    Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

                    If I'm buying a 4k Bluray then I expect the digital copy that comes with it to be of the same quality. It's a shame that studios and digital stores/libraries haven't allowed this to happen yet on many movies being released.


                      Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

                      For someone who bought the 4k version of deepwater horizon and hacksaw ridge I would love to see this happen, i redeemed the codes on VUDU and only got hdx, feel a little ripped off, would love to see VUDU step up and remedy this.


                        Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

                        Some Lionsgate movies are already playable in UHD. It would be great to see the rest. I'm glad Vudu has been making progress with adding studios.


                          Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

                          I received this from Lionsgate (Lions Gate Shop <>)

                          Dear Rex,

                          Thank you for your email.

                          Currently, VUDU is in the process of setting [up] their UHD redemptions.

                          When you redeem your UHD codes through the VUDU service, your UV account will only show the HD version as being owned until a connected service offers the UHD version.

                          Once the UHD version becomes available on VUDU the UHD version will show as owned in your UV locker and be available for viewing through VUDU. The HD version is offered for viewing until the UHD redemption options are available through VUDU for available titles.

                          Again, the UltraViolet service only shows the UHD version as being owned in your UV locker when a connected retailer supports the UHD version. Once the UHD version becomes available on VUDU you will see that in your UV locker.

                          Thank you,
                          LionsGate Shop Customer Service

                          [So, my take away is - if I redeem a UHD code at VUDU, before UHD is available - I'll get HD in my locker and see HD at VUDU, but as soon as VUDU has UHD, it will automatically upgrade my UV license and I will see UHD at VUDU]

                          VUDU, care to comment? This is what Lionsgate says if you ask about UHD redemption of Lionsgate codes.


                            Re: Lionsgate UHD titles


                            I hope that's the case on the 4k uhd redemptions. But would definitely want to hear a response back from Vudu to see if that is in fact how the process will work.


                              Re: Lionsgate UHD titles

                              Originally posted by Rex Strother View Post
                              I received this from Lionsgate (Lions Gate Shop <>)

                              Dear Rex,

                              Thank you for your email.

                              Currently, VUDU is in the process of setting [up] their UHD redemptions.

                              When you redeem your UHD codes through the VUDU service, your UV account will only show the HD version as being owned until a connected service offers the UHD version.

                              Once the UHD version becomes available on VUDU the UHD version will show as owned in your UV locker and be available for viewing through VUDU. The HD version is offered for viewing until the UHD redemption options are available through VUDU for available titles.

                              Again, the UltraViolet service only shows the UHD version as being owned in your UV locker when a connected retailer supports the UHD version. Once the UHD version becomes available on VUDU you will see that in your UV locker.

                              Thank you,
                              LionsGate Shop Customer Service

                              [So, my take away is - if I redeem a UHD code at VUDU, before UHD is available - I'll get HD in my locker and see HD at VUDU, but as soon as VUDU has UHD, it will automatically upgrade my UV license and I will see UHD at VUDU]

                              VUDU, care to comment? This is what Lionsgate says if you ask about UHD redemption of Lionsgate codes.
                              I would love it if this is true but for now, I'm still saving the codes until we know for sure.

                              45 UHD
                              770 HDX
                              2 SD

